
i am a photographer, writer, artist, calligrapher and baker. through my experiences i define what makes us human: the raw hungry desire to live and love… and its satiation. thank you for visiting my blog, i hope you enjoy your stay! 



i shoot my digital camera on ‘A’

between the jumble of mechanical settings on the Mamiya, and after being very sternly told off by Jean Gaumy (of Magnum) for using pre-sets on my Fuji in HongKong, i’m more than happy to let the digitals’ brain do all the work.

suffice to say, i simply clicked the button and ended up with the oddest, coolest, weirdest 3D photographs of these beautiful flowers from my Dads garden

weird things my camera does on its own

weird things my camera does on its own

it looks like its stuck on (or really bad photoshop!)

it looks like its stuck on (or really bad photoshop!)

so im not sure how to take these kinds of photographs again, just pray, point and click i suppose. i should also add, that i’m seeing these odd effects on my ancient MacBook and it may not show up on yours. in any case, just know that they are quite fabulously quirky!



the woodpecker

the woodpecker